Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Thursday 21st March 2019

I got a surprise today, not one of those awesome surprises sadly but I could really use one of them right now. Okay I got sidetracked sorry about that but what happened was the receptionist from my doctor's surgery called me saying that the hospital wanted me to go and have blood tests done today. Now if you are someone who uses the health care system a lot you know that things like that very rarely happen so I made an appointment for later that afternoon. At the moment I still need to get my mum to drive me places because I haven't yet overcome my anxiety enough to start driving again yet but I am determined to overcome my anxiety and be able to drive myself places whenever I want.

I went in and got my bloods done by the phlebotomist today which was good because normally getting blood out of me with the first poke is hard to do because my veins are so bad but she managed with no bother at all. I expected them to do all the normal bloods that I get done but they didn't which I found strange. When I mean normal bloods for me I get my kidneys checked because my potassium can be low at some times, I get a liver function test to keep an eye on my struggling liver, I get a CRP to check my inflammation levels as I have an chronic illness that causes inflammation in my body and the final thing that gets checked is a full blood count which checks a number of things in my body but all the surgeon wanted is a kidney function and full blood count for some reason.

There was something that I forgot to include in my last entry and that was I can't go down to Essex and visit my friend for her birthday which has really upset me because I promised her that I would go down and stay for a week. I feel so terrible letting my best friend down who is like a sister to me but because she is so awesome she understood why I couldn't come. Deep down I know myself that travelling down is not a good idea, it took me 4 hours to get ready for my hospital appointment. I had a massive 5 day bleed from the Thursday to the Monday and it took a major toll on my body. the blood lost caused me to feel dizzy, I was feeling cold, my normal heart rate is around the 60's but when I was getting ready for the hospital yesterday it was up at a 120, I was having a hard time breathing and was feeling more fatigued then normal. As much as I really want to go it's just not safe for me to do so, I just wish my heart and head would agree but my heart says I should go and my head doesn't. I know I will get to visit her one day I just have to be patient.

Well that's it for today's post, I hope you enjoyed reading the post. I am already working on a draft for my next post so everything being well you should be able to read it by the end of this week but until next time................

Keep strong
Keep fighting


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