Friday 17 January 2014

Thursday 16th January 2013

I am unable to eat any solid food again, I was really hoping that the lining of my oesophagus had just become irritated and swollen shut but that is not the case by the looks of it. At first I was upset that this had happened but now I am just plain angry, I don't understand why it has narrowed so bad because I haven't done anything different. 

So the lady from Bupa phoned today to arrange the delivery of the humria injections and sharps bin. Delivery has been arranged for Monday which is just in time for my next dose of humria on Thursday. 


  1. It's a very depressing disease. It gets worse without any clear reason why and it can go into remission just as mysteriously. Humira is a good med for most with little side effects. As someone who was diagnosed at age 14 and now living with Crohn's for 31 years I have found the best thing to do is to make plans for when things don't feel like such crap. It helps to have something positive in your life to work towards. I would have never thought hearing my diagnosis that I would get to travel the world and not have it be an issue. You're not alone. Take care.

    1. Thank you for this lovely comment Erin. It's comments like these that help me get through those really horrible day's. :-) x
