Friday 11 April 2014

Wednesday 9th April 2014

So today was oesophageal dilation day and I was really looking forward to getting it done because I hadn't eaten any solid food for 3 months but procedure didn't go to plan. When I woke up in the recovery room I found that they had to put an I.V into my foot because the veins in my arms are completely shot but unfortunately there was worse news to come. The recovery nurse told me that I needed to get an urgent C.T scan done but she never told me the reason why I had to have it, so of course I start to panic. I am thinking to myself why do I need this scan? I have probably had this procedure done about 30 times in the past 5 years and not once have I needed to get a scan afterwards.

Three hours after I came back from the getting the dilation I still hadn't had the scan and nobody had told me what was going on, finally after four hours at just after 8pm two doctor's form the GI ward eventually told me what was going on. During the procedure the consultant radiologist thought that the oesophagus had torn during the dilation due to him over stretching it. Being told this made me panic even more and honestly I was really scared, I always knew that this was one of the risks of having a dilation but it is one of this things that will happen to you especially when you have had dialtions so many times before and nothing like this has ever gone wrong.

Due to it being so late in the evening I was told that I wouldn't be getting the scan today, it would have to be done the following morning and because of the complication they thought I had I was nil by mouth until they did the scan. Of course being nil by mouth meant that I couldn't take my anti anxiety medication so they had to give me half the standard dose of lorazepam, thankfully this medication helped calm me so fingers crossed I will be able to sleep.

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