Monday 29 June 2015

Monday 8th June 2015

I am absolutely exhausted x 2, my parents were away from Saturday until today so that meant I was looking after my younger sister with Down's Syndrome and of course I had Miss Snowball the cat to look after too. I don't mind looking after my sister but every time I seem to look after her I am finding it more tiring, I really hope that this is just a sign of worsening anaemia and not something that is going to become permanent because that is going to be a serious issue.

Over the weekend I also developed this horrendous toothache or should I say root ache because that's all I have left of my top front teeth. The pain wasn't that bad on Saturday and it cleared up after one dose of paracetamol but I woke up in the early hours of Sunday morning in terrible pain and despite taking the maximum of dose of pain meds the pain is still there. I think it must be over a month now since I asked my dentist to refer me to the maxillofacial department to get these roots removed at the hospital but I haven't heard anything from either of them but that's not unusual when it comes to the National Health Service.

Previous post - Sunday 31st June                                           
                                                                                         Next post - 

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  1. I'm sorry to hear about your toothache, I have a wonky wisdom tooth and it's been driving me crazy this week! I can't wait to get them removed completely. x

    1. I HATE!!!!!! wisdom teeth. I have told my dentist that I want all my teeth removed because they are far to much hassle these days plus I am extremely embarrassed by my teeth so I will be very happy when I get my false teeth. xx
